God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is a song well-loved by all ages. This song, normally sung by a choir or congregation, can now be sung by a soloist. He can tell about Christ’s birth and bring tidings of comfort and joy to all!
The Mercy Tree
God’s mercy shown at the cross of Calvary was so great! We are victorious through God’s perfect sacrifice. We can ask for forgiveness and sing Hallelujah! All because the Lamb of God was bruised, battered, and crucified for our salvation on the mercy tree.
Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
A beautiful four-part a cappella with close harmony and a key change. This prayer to God really inspires.
America! The Beautiful!
The Youth Ensemble are singing a medley beginning with the reverent America the Beautiful followed by the march I Pledge Allegiance. The last verse is split, with two choruses sung simultaneously–Glory, Glory, Hallelujah and This Is My Country. This will certainly make you proud to be an American and to live in one nation under God.
I’m overshadowed by His mighty love. Through weary days, and trials sore, my God still surrounds me with His love.
God and God Alone
God and God alone is the Creator and He alone sits on the universe’s throne. We can give him through this song our joy, our desire, and our highest praise.
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
An acapella choir would bring a worshipful spirit to this beautiful song
of intertwining lines and rich harmonies.
A Vessel Unto Honor
“A Vessel Unto Honor” is a Bible verse arrangement taken from II Timothy 2:19-20 telling how you can be used of God. This is done by purging [cleaning] your mind and body from all ungodliness and iniquity [breaking the commandments], and instead sanctifying [setting apart] yourself for God. The vessel represents a person who stays away from the lusts and allurements of the world. Instead he follow righteousness, love and peace, and faith in Jesus Christ, therefore becoming fit for the Master’s use.
Love and Grace Barbershop Medley
Beautiful medley of the love of God and amazing grace!
Great for an a cappella quartet of male voices.
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
Vocal Arrangement of a traditional Negro spiritual with piano accompaniment. Adam walked with God in the garden. The disciples walked with Jesus. I want Jesus to walk with me.