Jesus Loves Me Instrumental Medley

The song Jesus Loves Me has touched heartstrings around the world and is one of the most recognizable children’s songs. Jesus Loves Me Medley is an arrangement of Jesus Loves Me followed by Jesus Loves Even Me. This arrangement was prepared for an end-of-year program at a small Christian school. The various parts were written with the capabilities of each specific student in mind.

Every person in the world is special to God but most of the children in this group have special needs. Many are autistic. This is the first year for some of the children with their particular instrument. Others had never played in a group before. We began playing in small groups of two to four students. Then for the last two months before the performance, we practiced together.

In this beautiful orchestral medley, we are reminded of Jesus’ love for us. “Jesus loves me this I know; for the Bible tells me so.” Yes, God so loved the world, but what is amazing is that Jesus loves me — even me!

The Mercy Tree

God’s mercy shown at the cross of Calvary was so great! We are victorious through God’s perfect sacrifice. We can ask for forgiveness and sing Hallelujah! All because the Lamb of God was bruised, battered, and crucified for our salvation on the mercy tree.

The Mercy Tree Sheet Music