This lovely melody is a solemn pronouncement of the birth of Jesus Christ Who humbled Himself to become a baby. He would share in all our feelings and sorrows, even death. He lived on earth, the God and Lord of all, Who is our Savior holy.
Balm in Gilead
“There Is a Balm in Gilead” is an African-American spiritual that compares the healing balm to the saving power of Jesus—the one true treatment that never fails to heal our spiritual wounds. A balm is a soothing salve or medicinal ointment. Gilead is a region east of the Jordan River. Jesus is the balm that saves our souls from sin and heals our minds.
Sacred Flute Impressions
Count Your Blessings
Yield Not to Temptation
I Was In His Mind
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
The Lord Is My Shepherd
He Leadeth Me
It Is Well With My Soul
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
A haunting, mysterious melody for flute with a flowing piano accompaniment. The nation of Israel calls for its Messiah.