“A Vessel Unto Honor” is a Bible verse arrangement taken from II Timothy 2:19-20 telling how you can be used of God. This is done by purging [cleaning] your mind and body from all ungodliness and iniquity [breaking the commandments], and instead sanctifying [setting apart] yourself for God. The vessel represents a person who stays away from the lusts and allurements of the world. Instead he follow righteousness, love and peace, and faith in Jesus Christ, therefore becoming fit for the Master’s use.
Balm in Gilead
“There Is a Balm in Gilead” is an African-American spiritual that compares the healing balm to the saving power of Jesus—the one true treatment that never fails to heal our spiritual wounds. A balm is a soothing salve or medicinal ointment. Gilead is a region east of the Jordan River. Jesus is the balm that saves our souls from sin and heals our minds.
Sacred Flute Impressions
Count Your Blessings
Yield Not to Temptation
I Was In His Mind
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
The Lord Is My Shepherd
He Leadeth Me
It Is Well With My Soul
All Glory to Jesus
How Great Thou Art
Blessed Assurance
The song Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by J. S. Bach is interwoven with the hymn Blessed Assurance in a beautiful arrangement that moves the spirit upward towards God.
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Oh for a Thousand Tongues
To God Be the Glory
To God Be the Glory is an intricate piece with the backdrop of Chopin’s Polonaise in A major. This arrangement is spirited with lots of variety. The words of the hymn joyfully share the gospel message. To God be the glory, great things He has done!